Example of a change I noticed today: the MQTT broker config (YAML config is still possible, but deprecated, not even documented anymore). I run my own MQTT broker as part of my cluster setup, which means this is config which currently can be injected through a k8s configmap manifest. With a manual setup, this is no longer possible.

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Just updated my instance. Apart from some nice UI updates, a lot of things I used to be able to configure from YAML files, are all gradually disappearing. Probably it's because of my particular setup ( manifests on a single node ), but I still feel it's sad to see this evolution. I get that it's easier for new users to onboard and quickly get up and running, but it's doesn't really scale well and in case of disaster recovery?

Looking for a good resource of using (Google) at scale. I can see how you would use it for async flows with pubsub. For HTTP REST APIs though, particularly the authorization/ authentication in combination with an API gateway seems very complex, to a point where I really start wondering it's even intended for HTTP REST at all.

First 5 mins into : "I"m not an archeologist, but ...". Not really what I had hoped it to be.


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